How to boot games off USB on a ps2?

Playstation 2 is a since the time it has been launched and it is still going great in its eleventh year. Since the time it has been launched many homebrew apps, hacks and tweaks are there which does interesting things to the console. Ever tried to play a game off usb hard drive on a ps2? Whoa! sounds interesting, lets check out.

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Playstation 2 External Storage Device Loader (PS2 ESDL)


Hi guys, this is the first post by the playstation team with a very important news. A new software called Playstation 2 External Storage Device Loader  (ps2esdl), has been made by a hacker or programmer. It is believed to be having a better compatibility than OPL. Although it does not play most of the game that opl can play but can play those games that opl cant. Whoa! strange, ya.